From the mind of Hamish

My views on news, current events, sports and the general goings on in my life.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Damn Microsoft! I've just spend all morning clearing out old data from students who have left. That's no problem, I have to do that every year. It's a crap job but it has to be done. The easiest thing to do was take ownership off all the folders, then delete them all. Unfortunately as we used to have a lot of Macs there are some files with illegal characters in their names, so I usually delete users one at a time. Those with illegal characters are deleted later using a Mac.

However, there's a shortcut to Outlook Express that lives in Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch that does not change permissions like every other folder in the tree! So every time I go to delete a user I have to drill down to this file, manually set the permissions and then delete it. And it's only this one file, leading me to believe it's been done deliberately.

Thanks Microsoft, thanks a lot. You manage to turn a 2 hour job into a 4 hour job just because you want to force people to use your crappy email program.


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