From the mind of Hamish

My views on news, current events, sports and the general goings on in my life.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Darnton vs Clark

Darnton vs Clark

The leader of the Libertarianz Party sues the Prime Minister, and good on him. The legal term prima facie means, "first look". So when a prima facie case has been found against someone it means that on a brief inspection of the evidence there appears to be a case. However when there has been a prima facie case found against someone in the Labour Party it seems to mean, "nothing to see here, move along". And this is completely unacceptable. All people should be viewed the same before the law, regardless of race, gender, religion and political standing.

As you may have noticed I have a few banners I've added to my site regarding free speech, something I passionately believe in, now I've added another one. Good on Bernard Darnton for using the civil law system when the criminal system has so clearly and completely failed us. As his site say, the government is not above the law.

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